Power Duplicate, on the other hand, takes this shortcut even further. Or hold down Alt or Option and drag the object you'd like to duplicate.Use the shortcut Command-J or Control-J to easily duplicate your selection.There are two main ways to duplicate in Affinity Designer: Power Duplicate sounds pretty amazing, doesn't it? Well, it's a really awesome tool in Affinity Designer. Ready to walk through this process together? 2.5 How to “Power Duplicate” in Affinity Designer We can easily click and drag to create our new corner. In this lesson, we'll take a look at taking a sharp corner and covering it to a smooth, rounded corner. The Corner Tool makes it simple to round off corners in your work. Let's explore using these three types of nodes together:Ģ.4 How to Use the Corner Tool in Affinity Designer In this lesson, we'll take a look at the different node types in Affinity Designer, as well as the Pen Drawing modes we can use with them. Continuing your line work with new nodesĢ.3 What Are Node Types and Pen Drawing Modes?.Joining completely separate curves together.How to add extra nodes onto your curves.In this lesson, we'll dig deeper into concepts like adding, deleting, and connecting our nodes.

2.2 How to Add, Delete, and Connect NodesĪffinity Designer makes it quite simple to manipulate nodes. Ready to give these techniques a try? Let's begin. You can draw the Curve yourself, using either the Pen, Pencil, or Brush Tools.You can begin with a stock shape, using one of the Shape Tools.There are primarily two ways that you can create Curves: A Curve is anything that has Nodes that you can edit. Let's start things off by talking about how we can create and manipulate curves in Affinity Designer. What Is Vector Persona in Affinity Designer? 2.1 How to Create Curves in Affinity Designer